

======== case 1. bind a service ============
TestAidl-Client: ------ =====> bindService()------
TestAidl-Client: ------ <===== bindService()------
TestAidl-Service: ------ service onCreate()------
TestAidl-Service: ------ service onBind()------ :onBind() is only called once, even we call bindService() multiple times, onBind() wont't be invoked.
TestAidl-Client: ------ onServiceConnected()------

======== case 2. unbind a service ============
TestAidl-Client: ------ =====> unbindService()------:if unbindService() is called with an un-bound service, exception will occur : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Service not registered
TestAidl-Client: ------ <===== unbindService()------:NOTE: onServiceDisconnected() won't be called due to unbindService(), 只有当servie异常退出时,系统才会调用onServiceDisconnected()
TestAidl-Service: ------ service onUnbind()------:onUnbind() is only called once when the last bound component unbind from the service, usually the service onDestroy() will be called afterwards..
【TestAidl-Service: ------ service onDestroy()------】

======== case 3. start a service ============ 
TestAidl-Client: ------ =====> startService()------
TestAidl-Client: ------ <===== startService()------
TestAidl-Service: ------ service onCreate()------
TestAidl-Client: ------ service onStartCommand()------:You should never call onStartCommand() directly.

======== case 4. stop a service ============ 
TestAidl-Client: ------ =====> stopService()------:stopService() can be called multiple times, nothing happened.
TestAidl-Client: ------ <===== stopService()------
【TestAidl-Service: ------ service onDestroy()------】
所以,在Service,只有onStart( )可被多次调用(通过多次startService调用),其他onCreate( ),onBind( ),onUnbind( ),onDestory( )在一个生命周期中只能被调用一次。

1. A Started service will be destroyed once stopService() is called, no matter which component calls.
2. A bound service will be destroyed only when the last bound component calls the unbindService().
3. if a service is both started and bound, it will be destroyed when stopService() is called and no one is bound to the service at that time,除此之外,不管是调用unbindService()或者stopService()都是不起作用的。

