

之前用Fedora并无太大感受,现在用Ubuntu时不时地温度飙升(KDE桌面下会好些),Psensor显示的Physical id o,Core 0 和 Core 1仨的温度,经常不合时宜地到60+,max竟然能达到三位数,掌托发热严重影响敲代码。一番探索,找到了解决方案,现在温度基本稳定在40~50间,掌托无只管发热感受了。

1. 想查看设备温度请安装Psensor,安装如下,

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:jfi/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install psensor

2. 发热的主要是三个地方,Physical id o,Core 0 和 Core 1,很明显,分别是独显和CPU。我的笔记本是蛋碎的A卡+Inter双显卡方案,在windows上一只是关闭独显只用集显的,笔记本就清爽了很多很多。同理,在ubuntu上我也想这样。

sudo gedit /etc/rc.local


echo OFF > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch


echo IGD > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch
echo OFF > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch

添加的第一行是启用了集显,最后的那行exit 0不要动。in this way, you can turn off your 独显。~~

3. 如上,够吗,不够。我先让独显也清爽爽!研究下ubuntu的独显驱动,位置System Settings -> Software&Updates -> Addition Drivers。默认的A卡驱动用的是首选项,后缀是(open source, tested),我这儿还显示有两个后缀是(proprietary)的可选项。孰优孰劣呢?我在askubuntu论坛找到了一个比较靠谱的说法,如下,

Most of the open source drivers you'll find may produce better graphical output than the proprietary do. Sometimes you won't even notice a difference. And sometimes an open source driver works much worse than the proprietary one. I will not make a general recommendation on which to use, but here are some cases, in which certain drivers are better than others:
  • If you have a nVidia card with Optimus, you should install the open source driver from theBumblebee Project. This is the only driver supporting Optimus on Linux. you should either install the open source driver from the Bumblebee Project, or any nVidia proprietary driver, but not the Xorg driver, as it currently doesn't support discrete graphics.
  • If you want to use CUDA (nVidia's stuff for executing functions on the GPU), you should use the proprietary driver.
  • If you have a AMD APU (Accelerated Processing Unit), you should install the proprietary driver fglrx, even if you don't use the embedded graphics chip. Else, the APU would stay at its lowest frequency.
  • If you want to use OpenCL (something like CUDA, developped by Khronos), you have to use the proprietary driver.
If none of these applies to you, it's up to you which driver you use. If you don't have any problems with the current driver, I wouldn't change it. You never know whether another one will even work at all. However, if you want to take the risk, try the drivers suggested in Software & Updates→ Additional Drivers and find out which one works best.

大意是,n卡要使用CUDA建议使用proprietary(私有)驱动,A卡建议使用fglrx proprietary私有驱动....娘希匹,就得用proprietary驱动?

我的A卡是陈旧的6630,查询到这段消息之前,我盲选的第二个fglrx-updates proprietary,效果很棒。个人的建议是,首先上官网,A卡官网的驱动就是这个fglrx proprietary。官方网站有对应的最好,没有的话各位可以挨个尝试...

4. 末了,BIOS之类的CPU类似cool and quiet选项各位都可以选上,等等。我的Ubuntu版本是14.04 LTS,如上解决方案对近几年的版本有普适性,别问我why -.-

